Haters, keep the mouth closed. Actually keep it open so you can continue to guzzle that Haterade. It's what helped us get here. Not that we needed it cuz as a lifelong Laker Fan I knew this was coming. It just made the ride that much more fun to crush your dreams. The Spurs are the most unexciting team in basketball, and I hope their offseason continues to be just as unexciting. Meanwhile we'll be in the playoffs droppin off the Cosby Kids on the Celtics.
The refs can't stop us. Bruce Bowen's pattycake hands can't stop us. Even minus Bynum we still bring it. Look at Gasol right now blessin his European counterpart and master flopper Manu Ginobli right here. You see the look on his face? With those $25k fines about be imposed by the NBA for flopping, Manu's check is gonna be comin up pretty short next season. He's gonna be making that face a lot.
Paul Pierce may be The Truth, and AI may be The Answer, but Kobe is THE BUSINESS. See you in Boston... And if KG don't bring it, we'll see you in Detroit.
Welcome to the Lakeshow
Mogul Steeze - Shawn Carter
Jay-Z--Gazillionaire, King of Catergory C, Mogul Steeze Extraordinaire, and CEO of Hip Hop (Sorry Papa Rusty, you missed us with that Yoga Steeze...Don't worry, you're still a shareholder.) is doing it bigger than Warren Buffet these days.
With his Mogul Steeze higher than Gary Dourdan at Coachella, one can't help but wonder how he does it. Peep the Blueprint and read on. Future Moguls take notes.
The Jigganaut is unstoppable. He's got Live Nation Pringles that will last him and his family a lifetime, Rocawear is ACTUALLY wearable, and Bey is on some real Wifey Steeze right now. The stars seem to have alinged for Mr. Carter. Thank God I'm a Sagittarius like him. I got next. I'm just gonna have to pass on that 40/40 Club Vegas.The Corporate Takeover of Jay-Z
By JASON “JAY” MOHAWK(CORPORATE TAKEOVER) - Last month, in a move that many should have seen coming, hip-hop mogul Shawn Carter finalized the corporate takeover of Jay-Z Inc. when he sold the remainder of the franchise to concert promoter Live Nation. After years of building up the brand called Jay-Z, Carter is doing what any smart investor would do at this point: Cashing in.
In the minds of his audience, rapper Jay-Z is the epitome of cool. “Jay’s just that dude—Period,” says Ryan Bence, 22, a senior at Arizona State University. “He is the Sinatra of our day. He’s who everyone wants to be.” Another fan, 21-year-old LaShonda Shepherd, a student at the University of Maryland, insists, “Jay is one of the few rappers now that still gives me chills. I listen to him, and I’m sucked in.” It’s that larger than life persona that has helped the entertainer gain such a devout following among hip-hop fans, and sell more than 33 million albums worldwide. But as he himself is quick to remind you, there is an important distinction between Shawn Carter and his braggadocios alter ego, Jay-Z the hip-hop star: while Shawn Carter is a businessman, Jay-Z is a business, man.
Over the years, Carter has successfully used Jay-Z’s influence as a hip-hop star to build a franchise of businesses that capitalize on the rapper’s popularity. “[Jay-Z] is a purveyor of quality and value,” says Robby Wells, chief strategy officer for Acme Content Co. “He adds value to the lives of his consumers—just like any trusted brand. Where he is different than a typical brand is that he has an extreme amount of highly valuable influence. He could easily stand on the merits of what he is famous for, but he has shot to extreme levels of success due to his influence.”...
peep The Corporate Takeover Magazine for the whole article.
What Part of the Game is That? - Eddie Murphy to Mount Comeback...(Not Brokeback) as Axel Foley
Eddie, I know...you're just as confused as we are. I know you're wondering, "Why did I agree to come back and play Axel Foley again in Beverley Hills Cop 4--20 YEARS LATER?!?! Oh yeah, cuz my carreer after the originals plummeted and I started giving 'rides' to trannys and letting Johnnie Gill stay in the 'poolhouse'."
You heard it Moguls, Ed Murph is back as Axel Foley. This time he better live up to my childhood expectations. I'm not talking any of this fat-suit special effect make-up or Indiana Jones comeback shit either. I want Eddie Murphy, RAW; that Boomerang/Coming to America Ed Murph...as Axel Foley of course.
Restore your glory Eddie, or pretty soon history will be forced to replace you with you with your cooler, much more niggerish, and much less suspect brother Charlie Murphy.
Cool Like That...Did I Mention I'm Cool?
If you haven't heard of The Kidz in The Hall, you're fallin off. Go cop their new one The In Crowd. You'll thank me--just be sure to do it with money this time.
You Ain't Up on This - Deus Ex Machina Motorcycle
Moguls get around in a variety of trendsetting ways. Maybachs, Phantoms, & G5's...and much like Joan Rivers, Vivica Fox, and King Magazines, they look good, but get old. Here's a new way to chunk deuces at the haters while looking flyer than...well anyone. Peep the flow on the Deus Ex Machina Motorcycle. Freeing your crotch (and your future Moguls seeds) from uncomfortable crotch-rocket seats,you can tell women you're a three-legged beast and really mean it. Just remember to let her know it's hybrid powered and eco friendly, or you won't be needing that crotch anymore.
While this is just a prototype, if you've got the Pringles, the Future Can Be Now.
Over The Hillz
Good Moguls know when to go hard. Better Moguls know when to go home. Hillary Clinton needs to go home...HARD.
Truly a WTF moment.
You Ain't Up on This - Did Ye Swagger-Jack?...SHO'NUFF!
Though he may not need writeers but might bounce ideas, he wasn't the first to come up with some fly shit like thiiiis.
When Moguls Attack - Bill O'Reilly
is almost as good as
Mogul Steeze - Ryan Braun
I've known Ryan for years. We played baseball as kids together, went to grade school together, partied, etc together. Its funny how this great game of life has these moments when people like this are in your life at times. Whether its God dangling a carrot or inspiring you to get off your ass and make it happen, you gotta thank him. Rather than hate on my dude, I'm nothing but proud of him. People often wanna hate on the success of others because they cannot visualize their own success. I read a quote today that really put it into perspective.
"Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success."Continue to work hard and visualize your success. You might wind up $45 million richer for it. Congrats Ryan. Right now, I'm visualizing Brewers suite tickets this season. Playoffs would be nice.
FREE SAIGON...From Atlantic!
They always missed me with those "Free So-and-So" campaigns rappers embark on when one of their patnas get locked up. I'm sure they didn't deserve what happened to them, or it was someone else in that video peeing, or those alleged rocks in that whip--that wasn't really theirs--really weren't theirs, or whatever. But why do no rappers ever crusade for their people who get locked up in BAD RECORD DEALS??? The link between rappers and bad deals is almost as prevalent as the one between rappers and incarceration, yet no one crusades for that.
Enter Just Blaze. A true Hip Hop Patriot, Rappers Hero, and Producer Extrodinaire. I like to think of him as the Obama F. Baby of Producers. A real champion of music who is fighting for change in the game.
Props for him blessing Saigon on that Give Us Us Free Steeze and helping him get him outta Atlantic Records with 100% OWNERSHIP OF HIS MASTERS. Check out Sickamore's blog for details.
Damn...if Just can get outta the contract with Atlantic with 100% of his masters, I wonder if Nick Cannon can still get outta wedlock with Mariah with 100% of his dignity.
Lose Your J.O.B. - Yeezy & Nekkid Breezies, Nas Ain't A N*gger
Wanna lose your J.O.B.? (aka Just Over Broke--props to Kevion) Watch these!
G Shock Event - Can't Tell Me Nothing from kwest on Vimeo.
If you weren't cool enought to be at Kanye's G-Shock Afterparty, don't worry. Here's some NSFW love for you of him performing Can't Tell Me Nothing. Ye is rockin that LeisureSuit Larry in Outer Space Steeze. I feel it. Especially the kicks.
It shouldn't really matter that he's got topless space breezies in the background, since he indeed has his money right, and we really can't tell him nothing...Unfortunately most of your employers at your J.O.Bizzel can, and somehow this probably won't fall into the realm of what they might call "art". Like a Hollywood street dog, enjoy at your own risk.
Nasty NaS talks about why he changed his album name. I'm all for head turning album titles. Hip Hop Is Dead was a good look. But, Changing the Game aside, honestly I'm not surprised Esco did this. The KKK woulda bought this album with the wrong idea. But hey, they own http://www.martinlutherking.org/ where they try to discredit Dr. King, he has an album called Nigger where he airs out racist white people. Sounds like a fair trade to me.
Mogul to Mogul - Kevion P.E.A.C.E. Academy & Millionaire Mentor
Jordan had Phil. Jigga had Biggie. Kanye Had Jigga. See where this is headed?
Anyone successful witll tell you the value of great mentors. We are fortunate in life to be blessed by their guidance, wisdom, email blasts that drop daily jewels, as well as the ones that get us into great parties...you know what I mean.
Anyways, lately I have been blessed enough to meet many people who have given me great insight, knowledge, and advice when it comes to this game we call life.
Kevion is a mentor to many people, including Jonas Bevaqua, Kid Millionaire and Owner and CEO of LRG. I was fortunate to be put in contact with Kevion through Jonas and Curt Connors after his Birthday Bash back when this whole blog started. A lot of people had mad love for this dude, and after a few life coaching sessions with him, I can see why. The jewels he drops from his P.E.A.C.E. Academy sessions help brilliant people focus their energy in a creative, positive way. Much like Aretha Franklin at a buffet or that DVD The Secret, its all about the Law of Attraction.
You need someone who will push you so that you push back. No I'm not talking about a Sumo Wrestling partner, or...Aretha Franklin--but as a former athlete, I can attest to the value of a good coach in sports. Since life is often a metaphor for sports, and vice versa, I can also attest to the value of a good coach in life. Inspiration>Motivation, and anytime you can be around someone or something that inspires you--a friend, a family memeber, or a even song, you will often find that it touches a place deeper than motivation. No, not there you Chester...turn off that R. Kelly.
People have asked me sice I've started this blog, "Why are you so full of yourself on here? You make me feel, like, insignificant." I'm sorry you feel like that, but it is simply becasue I refuse to act any other way. I'm here to challenge you and bring out your inner Mogul...not cater to YOUR ego. This is after all MY blog! Besides, you wouldn't get mad at your broker for telling you how much money he's made after he gave you the same stock tips, would you? (If you don't have a broker, don't answer that...)
It's all about BE.DO.HAVE. To me BEING a Mogul and assuming the Mogul Mindset must supercede what Moguls DO to get what they HAVE. Too many people let what they HAVE (or don't have) come before what they want to BE, and what they must DO to get there, when in reality, all you have to do is assume the mindset of what you're aiming for and the what you want to be and the rest will fall into place.
Don't let this blog fool you, even I'VE got a long way to go. But I revel in the process at all times, and no matter what I work hard at my goals and stay committed to retaining the Mind of a Mogul. Right now I feel my Mogul Steeze at an all time high, and I like it up here. No matter what, I'd love to have you all there with me. So remember, Be a Mentor, Pay it Forward, Give Back, and Get Right or Get Left! See you at the top!
If I Ruled the World - Part 1
Rick James had them. Charlie Murphy had them...Rick James even said that Charlie Murphy had them. While I'm at it, Charles Manson had them too. No, I'm not talking about wild sex parties or the occasional dabbling in hard drugs. I'm talking about delusions of grandeur...mostly ones that involve world domination. Hey, let's be real--power is intoxicating, but I'd much rather get high off that than rocks. Every Mogul rules the world in some small sense. Here's a few of my thoughts. Enter the mind of a Mogul.
I would own the Lakers, and Kobe would have Won MVP a long time ago. The haters know it. They just won't show it. Either way, KG, Jesus Shuttlesworth, and Paul Pierce are gettin it in the Finals. It'll be like the 80s all over again, minus Larry Bird running his mouth and the consecutive L's year after year.
Remy Ma would be able to marry Papoose from jail. Hip Hop needs all the help it can get. Good to see a dude stand by his chick. Thug Matrimony sells better than rocks.
Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey would be sent to a deserted island...Just to see if their "love" is real.
Obama F. Baby would be President. What you think I wanna run this country? No thanks. In good corporate fashion, I'll outsource that job to Barack, throw his campaign some stacks, and enjoy the $5,000 a plate benefit dinners.
This would be me.
"50 Cent, the man who made a reported $200 million from his deal with Vitamin Water, is now said to be in negotiations with the Rupert Murdoch founded News Corp for a reported $300 million. According to ThisIs50.com, the deal would go into effect in 2009, in which News Corp would take a large stake in all aspects of the 50 Cent brand.
The deal would help launch the company’s MySpace Records, as 50 and his G-Unit roster would move under the label’s umbrella. Sources say half the deal will be in stock, in which 50 Cent would become one of the largest shareholders of News Corp.
Also under the deal, 50’s online community, ThisIs50.com, would be acquired by News Corp, his touring would be marketed through and sold via the company, and would also include a G-Unit book deal, and music publishing for 50 and the artists under his label.”
I can't stand Fif, but his Pringles must be ridiculous. Props to Bossip for the link.
That's all for now. The fact that I actually wanted to be 50 Cent for a moment just made me throw up in my mouth a little.
UPDATE: Turns out this little shenanigan was false. Good. I can go back to respecting myself, not waging beef with rappers better than me,....and using regular dental floss instead of shoelaces again.
The Weekend Update - Hollywierd, Pete Wentz, Art Galleries, Weapons of Mass Design, GTA4, Basketball, Mother's Day
Of course some of these things don't seem to belong together in the same sentence, but when you're blogging, it's your job to not make sense...just posts.
Niko is my hero. GT4 Sells half a billion copies. Rockstar Games just BAUCED up on the industry. Pringle Stacks are everywhere for these guys. Let me know when you guys go public...I want shares. If you already are public, I'm firing my broker.
Saturday I went to Gallery 1988 where we saw the Weapons of Mass Design exhibit by Pete Gronquist. Definetly worth checkin out. Not to glorify war, but who WOULDN'T wanna blow away terrorists with a Chanel RPG? What??? Its gold plated and stylish. At least Cheney and Bush would get a break from all the flack over WMDs. Just leave poor Karl Lagerfield alone.
Pete Wentz was there and dropped like 10Gs on a few pieces. For most Moguls, much like pennies, parking your own car, and marriages without prenups, stickershock just doesn't exist to us. Just don't let that soon-to-be sis-in-law of yours near the D&G Uzi. She's not taking the Romo thing too well I hear.
Spidey on a cig break...CLASSIC
Puffy Chinese Olympic Promo Thingies
After tripping over curbs, some brief shopping, Crepes, street bartending, and the realization that H&M needs to step their game up in 08, it was on to more adventures...
Headed to LACMA for some drunken guerilla-photo blogging. No we will not use our cellphones outside the building. But I will flex my Mogul Steeze inside the building. As a matter of fact, our phones aren't going anywhere. Fall back, rent-a-cop. MY stacks pay for YOUR job...AND this building.
And we still got plenty of photos..WHAT??!?!
All that's missing is a giant clown standing next to this...well the little one standing there will have to do...
Interesting how the "sands of time" seem to always "erode" the noses and mouths of Egyptian statues off...Ancient Haters!!!
Honey I shrunk the Mogul
"The atrist's view of reality creates an entirely new world"
Words to live by.
Sunday spent some time with the Mogul Fam and cooked Momz some gourmet shizz. Watched the Lakers get shook by a Utah team that I've never had respect for since Karl Malone...so basically never. A 2-2 series at this point is below us, and I'm sure Kobe will make the state of Utah pay dearly for their crimes.
At any rate, I'm a well rounded Mogul, and I can cook pretty damn good. Of course Alfred could have cooked for us, but hey, Butlers have Moms too. Props to Danny B for the salmon recipie, and you know who on the German Potatoes.
On another note, I got my computer to ackrite again. I'll be doing graphics on my Dell until my Mac Book Pro is in my hands. Give me Apple or Give Me Death. PCs are for office cubicles and cash registers at movie theaters.
Can we Politic It? YES WE CAN! - Obama 08
With The Hillz hanging on for dear life like Lil Kim's career in this campaign, things are looking good for Mr. Obama F. Baby. He's picking up superdelegate votes faster than R. Kelly can pick up pedo charges. It's only a matter of time before the Democratic Party is united behind this guy and we can get down to business. Like dealing with these gas prices. I've been having to take the
Camry working car out WAAAAY too much and my Maybach Excelero has been lonlier than MIMS at his last concert. Who? Exactly.
Thank GOD the Dems are finally seeing the light and getting The Hillz to fall back. The only thing more painful than watching The Hillz...well there isn't much out there more painful than watching a 1000 screaming girls standing behind some chick who won't stop talking about herself and has had waaay too much plastic surgery...unless we're talking about The Season Finale of MTV's The Hills...Or Tyra. Then its' pretty much the same thing...Only twice as painful.
Mogulette Steeze - What Part of the Game is That?
First there was the glass ceiling. Now its the porcelain wall. For all you Mogulettes out there who just can't enough of a power trip off of that CEO steeze in the men's bathroom, consider the playing field leveled. You can now feel at home with Mr. Mogul in the co-ed bathrooms and put those urinals to use. Behold the Whiz-Freedom. You'll be staring at that posted sports page and avoiding looking down in no time. Just remember to shake.
The Weekend Update
When you're a Mogul, chances are your job consists of telling people what to do all the time ala The 4 Hour Work Week so you can make that 3 o'clock tee time with your Mogul buddies and still catch Sportcenter, or for all you Mogulettes, hit Rodeo Drive in time to make it home to watch The Hills and make fun of LC and her girlfriends...with your girlfriends. It all can get so tiring.
After a seriously productive working Saturday, what do I do? Despite the Good Lord designating the day as one of rest, I topped myself, and made it action-packed...with fun, of course.
If you haven't seen Iron Man yet, we can't be friends. Every Mogul on the planet needs to see this movie. Tony Stark is my Hero. Techno-Mogul, Billionaire, Playboy, and Alcoholic. Stan Lee stole my life story...and my Armor Suit. I'm expecting royalties stacks any day now along with my George Dubya stimulus package check. Or you can just give me that extra suit you got lyin around that Rhoady's tryna get his hands on and we'll call it even.
I also got to see my Wifey in concert...She was as amazing as ever. Ne-yo was there too, so I guess me and my date were on some secret lover shit...I knew you weren't just going "to the bathroom" right after he finished his set. It's fine. Me and Alicia were texting each other the whole show...Good thing I wrote her number down from "Diary" before they took it out of the song. I won't tell.
Shouts to the dude on rocks who was next to us. I never knew an Alicia Keys concert could be so...hyphy.
Mogul to Mogul - Sickamore
Saturday was dope. The East Coast Bauce meets the Left Coast Connect. Having the opportunity to work side by side with The Famous Firm Mogul was eye-opening, motivating & inspiring. Since joining with the Famous Firm, life has been MUCH better...hence the slogan, "Life's Better When You're Famous". I couldn't agree more.
My first round of meetings was held in Hollywood. Sick stepped fresh off the plane and met up with ya boi in the lobby of the Renaissance Hotel. Starting with Dante Basco, we got it poppin. 6 hours, 12 meetings, and several gin & tonics later, we met some great talent, came up with some great ideas, and I couldn't be more excited to be a part of these projects. The projects we have on the table are really exciting and I'm looking forward to working on all of them. Catergory C's all around. I'm very confident with the people I have working with us, and the next few months are gonna be bananas...Peel Out.
Shouts out to Dante, Rob Grimes, The Insomiaks, and Eunice...thanx for coming out.
Good lookin to Anjelica, King Blue, Curt, Ken, Ethan, Courtney, and Mary Rose. It's just the beginning...The Firm is Takin over.